Category AWS

Run AWS ECR Image via Docker Compose and Environment Variables

Using Docker Compose to run a Docker container with environment variables from an AWS ECR image involves creating a docker-compose.yml file and defining the necessary configurations. Here’s how you can do it: Replace placeholders like <account-id>, <region>, <repository-name>, <tag>, VAR_NAME1,…

AWS Credentials in a Dockerfile

Using AWS credentials from your local machine in a Docker build process requires careful handling to ensure security. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it: This approach avoids embedding the credentials in the image, but it makes them…

Terraform vs Cloudformation vs ARM Templates

Here is a quick comparison of these Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools: Terraform Cloudformation ARM Template Supported Cloud Providers Terraform supports multiple cloud providers like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and others. AWS CloudFormation supports only AWS cloud infrastructure.…